Government Contracts In A Nutshell (In a Nutshell (West Publishing))
by W. Noel Keyes
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About The Book
The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) System; Improper Practices and Conflicts of Interest; Competition Requirements; Make or Buy; Contractor Qualifications; Market Research; Commercial Items; Simplified Procedures; Sealed Bidding; Negotiation; Types of Contracts; Special Methods; Small Business; Labor Laws; Environment; Privacy and Freedom of Information; Foreign Acquisition; Patents and Copyrights; Bonds and Insurance; Taxes; Cost Accounting Standards; Contract Cost Principles; Financing; Protest and Disputes; Major Systems; Research and Development; Construction and A-E Contracts; Service Contracting; Federal Supply; Utilities; Modifications; Subcontracting; Government Property; Quality Assurance; Transportation; Value Engineering; Termination; Extraordinary Actions; Government Sources; Clauses and Forms.
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