Wandering Stars
An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
by Jack Dann, Isaac Asimov, Pamela Sargent, Robert Sheckley, Robert Silverberg, Isaac Bashevis Singer, William Tenn, Carol Carr, Avram Davidson, George Alec Effinger, Harlan Ellison, Bernard Malamud
Wandering Stars – READ MORE
- Publisher: Jewish Lights Publishing
- Author: Jack Dann, Isaac Asimov, Pamela Sargent, Robert Sheckley, Robert Silverberg, Isaac Bashevis Singer, William Tenn, Carol Carr, Avram Davidson, George Alec Effinger, Harlan Ellison, Bernard Malamud
- Release date: April 1, 1998
- Genres: fantasy, jewish, anthologies, judaism, religion, fiction, judaica
- ISBN: 9781580230056 (1580230059)
- Language: english
- Format: paperback, 272 pages
About The Book
The first time in a science fiction and fantasy collection that the Jewish People — and the richness of their particular points of view — appear without a mask. A showpiece of Jewish wit, culture, and lore, blending humor and sadness, cynicism and faith.
On Venus, have we got a rabbi by William Tenn
The golem by Avram Davidson
Unto the fourth generation by Isaac Asimov
Look, you think you’ve got troubles by Carol Carr
Goslin Day by Avram Davidson
The dybbuk of mazel tov IV by Robert Silverberg
Trouble with water by Horace L. Gold
Gather blue roses by Pamela Sargent
The jewbird by Bernard Malamud
Paradise last by Geo. Alec Effinger
Street of dreams, feet of clay by Robert Sheckley
Jachid and Jechidah by Isaac Bashevis Singer
I’m looking for Kadak by Harlan Ellison
Why Me? by Isaac Asimov
Ellison’s Grammatical Guide and Glossary for Goyim by Harlan Ellison.
Interior artwork by Tim Kirk.
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