Landscape and Ideology in American Renaissance Literature
Topographies of Skepticism
by Robert E. Abrams
❗ Landscape and Ideology in American Renaissance Literature • READ MORE ❗
- Author: Robert E. Abrams
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Genres: academic, writing
- Release date: December 22, 2003
- Format: hardcover, 180 pages
- Language: english
- ISBN: 9780521830645 (0521830648)
About The Book
Robert Abrams argues that new concepts of space and landscape emerged in mid-nineteenth-century American writing, marking a linguistic and interpretative limit to American expansion. Abrams supports the radical elements of antebellum writing, where writers from Hawthorne to Rebecca Harding Davis disputed the naturalizing discourses of mid-nineteenth century society. Whereas previous critics find in antebellum writing a desire to convert chaos into an affirmative, liberal agenda, Abrams contends that authors of the 1840s and 50s deconstructed more than they constructed.
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